Outdoor Rug Styles

Rugs in outdoor areas of your home can be used to soften and define the space by softening hard, normally non-carpeted surfaces such as decks, patios and porches, entryways or walkways. Generally, rugs used outdoors are made with cotton or jute fibers because they are easily woven into the loomed shapes used in rug design and are sturdy enough to withstand the elements. In this article, we will discuss outdoor rug styles.

Simple and Sleek

If you’re looking for a fresh, sophisticated look for your outdoor space, then our new Simple and Sleek collection of outdoor rugs is precisely what you need. The designs are minimalist and modern, incorporating simple lines and clean shapes to create a timeless yet trendy space. You can choose from various sizes and colors, all of which will complement both traditional and contemporary spaces.

Geometric Pattern

Geometric Pattern is one of the classic styles for outdoor rugs. The basic premise is that the design should be easily identifiable from a distance, which means it’s ideal for areas where people will be walking over your rug with their eyes somewhat lowered. Geometric patterns can be used to decorate any outdoor space: patios, balconies, decks, and other areas meant for lounging or entertaining. Some designers use two or more different geometric patterns in one room. This is an effective way to make your outdoor space stand out and feel cohesive while still distinctive enough to look unique.

Striking Contrast

One of the most popular categories of outdoor rugs is Striking Contrast. The name says it all: these rugs are characterized by a striking contrast between their colors, patterns, and materials. When you think about it, this makes a lot of sense: when you’re outside in nature, you see a lot of contrasting trees against the sky, water against rocks and sand, birds against branches. And that’s part of why these rugs are so attractive to look at.

Wild and Printed

Wild printed rugs can be used for a variety of purposes. They’re great for areas where traffic is high and much wear and tear occurs, like entryways and hallways. They’re also perfect for children’s rooms, where spills are likely to happen. The best part about this style is finding a pattern to match any decorating scheme you want—this is sure to be something for everyone from brightly colored prints to earthy tones and everything in between.

Old-Fashioned Traditional

If you’re looking for a stylish room addition, look no further than an outdoor rug. Outdoor rugs are often made of jute, cotton canvas, or polypropylene and can be used as a functional and decorative accessory. It is crucial to choose the right rug for your needs, though. Your style preferences will dictate the type of rug you choose to purchase.


With so many rug styles to choose from, it may be hard to narrow down your choices as to which outdoor rugs to order. If you think about what you’ll need on your outdoor patio or balcony, and take a look at the colors and designs that are most appealing to you, some of the decisions can be more accessible.